BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - 200 рецептов для здоровья почек
200 рецептов для здоровья почек - Синельникова А. 2011 FB2 | RTF СПб. Вектор BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
USDt 9.87


200 рецептов для здоровья почек
Author: Синельникова А.
Year: 2011
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

All kidney diseases are related to the fact that they stop coping with their duties. Is it possible to change something in such a situation? It is possible and necessary! A whole group of kidney diseases can be controlled precisely with the help of a well-developed diet. The diet will help the body overcome the disease, save from complications and allow you to live a full life, regardless of the diseases suffered.

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