BOOKS - ESOTERIC - Священная эннеаграмма. 9 способов избавиться от иллюзий и узнать, ...
Священная эннеаграмма. 9 способов избавиться от иллюзий и узнать, кто ты на самом деле - Хойертц К. 2017 PDF | DJVU Эксмо BOOKS ESOTERIC
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Священная эннеаграмма. 9 способов избавиться от иллюзий и узнать, кто ты на самом деле
Author: Хойертц К.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 10,1 MB
Language: RU

Most psychological theories devoted to personality typology offer us only superficial descriptions of the features characteristic of one or another human type. But usually there is nothing about how to use this knowledge in practice. The book "Sacred Enneagram," based, among other things, on examples of personal experience, will not only reveal the properties of each type - it will let you understand what mistakes you tend to make on your life path, and will help you correct them in order to become better, more successful, more harmonious. It will become an effective means of personal and spiritual growth for you.

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