BOOKS - COOKING - Советский самогон по ГОСТу, коньяк, вино, наливки и настойки...
Советский самогон по ГОСТу, коньяк, вино, наливки и настойки - Денис Токарев 2017 PDF АСТ BOOKS COOKING
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Советский самогон по ГОСТу, коньяк, вино, наливки и настойки
Author: Денис Токарев
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 20 MB
Language: RU

The production of strong homemade alcohol in the USSR is a striking feature of that time. In the conditions of the established "iron curtain" and the total shortage of products in the Soviet man, inspiration of unprecedented proportions was born. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of different recipes for making alcoholic beverages - from copyright experiments to high-quality substitutes for "official," permitted products. The most high-quality, popular and successful of the folk recipes of those years are presented in this publication and are accompanied by nostalgic images and photographs: turning over these pages, many will remember those years when the sausage was 2 rubles each. 90 kopecks, and bread 20 kopecks.

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