BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - Архитекторы компьютерного мира
Архитекторы компьютерного мира - Частиков А.П. 2002 PDF БХВ-Петербург BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
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Архитекторы компьютерного мира
Author: Частиков А.П.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 65.3 MB
Language: RU

The book traces the history and evolution of the computer world, which can be roughly divided into several periods: the period preceding the computer era; the period of creation of the first computers and the appearance of the first programming languages; the period of formation and development of the computer industry, the emergence of computer systems and networks; the period of creation of object-oriented programming languages ​ ​ and new computer technologies. Each of the chapters of the book is devoted to a separate period, inventors, designers and programmers - architects of the computer world.

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