BOOKS - HISTORY - Записки контрразведчика. Взгляд изнутри на противоборство КГБ и ЦРУ...
Записки контрразведчика. Взгляд изнутри на противоборство КГБ и ЦРУ, и не только... - Клименко В.Г. 2019 PDF Международные отношения BOOKS HISTORY
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Записки контрразведчика. Взгляд изнутри на противоборство КГБ и ЦРУ, и не только...
Author: Клименко В.Г.
Year: 2019
Format: PDF
File size: 143 MB
Language: RU

The general in his book talks about himself, about his formation, about the work of the first department. He partly, as far as possible, lifts the veil over the methods of counterintelligence, recalls his counterintelligence colleagues and mentors in the profession. It also tells about the methods of recruitment by American intelligence officers of Soviet citizens abroad and in our country. In those years, if information was published about this, then briefly - in the headings "TASS Message" or "According to the KGB of the USSR."

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