BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Хрестоматия по истории медицины...
Хрестоматия по истории медицины - Бегер Е.Е., Туторская М.С. (сост.) 2012 PDF Качество СреднееВ хрестоматии представлены источники по истории мировой медицины, начиная с трудов у BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Хрестоматия по истории медицины
Author: Бегер Е.Е., Туторская М.С. (сост.)
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU

The anthology presents sources on the history of world medicine, from the works of scientists of the Ancient East to the outstanding works of doctors of the 19th century. The publication gives the concept of the development of medical science, the time of the formation of its fundamental principles, medical practices of different eras.

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