-------------------- YOULIBR - Князь Феликс Юсупов - Мемуары Феликс Юсупов RTF 2001 BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY knyaz-feliks-yusupov-memuary
BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Князь Феликс Юсупов - Мемуары
Князь Феликс Юсупов - Мемуары - Феликс Юсупов 2001 RTF Захаров BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
US $7.75

Князь Феликс Юсупов - Мемуары
Author: Феликс Юсупов
Year: 2001
Format: RTF
File size: 10.2 MB
Language: RU

Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston Jr. (1887-1967) - a noble aristocrat, whose family owned a colossal fortune. He studied at the Page Corps and at Oxford, was bisexual and married the niece of Nicholas II. Everyone knows one thing about him - he killed Rasputin. After the Bolshevik revolution, the prince happily escaped death and spent almost half a century in exile. For the first time, the full text of Memoirs is published in Russian, and even in such a wonderful translation that one cannot even believe that the prince wrote them in French. "Memoirs" are completely devoid of author's vanity: Prince Yusupov talks about himself and others with the simplicity and greatness of a real aristocrat, who does not need to report or make excuses. In nothing... He has a tenacious memory and a lively mind, a light syllable and a sharp look, quirks and oddities, depth and lightness, humor and charm, brilliance and poverty. And behind the self-portrait without indulgences and complexes, history is visible and Russia is - magnificent and vicious, insane and worthy, paradoxical and genuine...

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