BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Ядерные взрывы и радиационные аварии...
Ядерные взрывы и радиационные аварии - Смагин А.И. 2019 PDF Челябинск Издательский центр Южно-Уральского государственного университета (ЮУрГУ) BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
US $7.60

Ядерные взрывы и радиационные аварии
Author: Смагин А.И.
Year: 2019
Number of pages: 116
Format: PDF
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

This tutorial provides the basics of the Radiation Safety course and the Radiation Ecology section of the General Ecology course. The history of the work of foreign and domestic nuclear physicists in the field of fission of fissile materials, the creation of nuclear weapons and sources of nuclear energy is considered: "Uranium project in fascist Germany," "Manhattan project," "Atomic project in the USSR" and atomic projects in other developed countries. The history of testing nuclear charges at landfills and the first single use of US atomic weapons in the history of mankind against the peaceful cities of Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki is shown. The causes and consequences of the arms race, as well as major nuclear accidents and disasters are considered.