BOOKS - HISTORY - Тайны Великой Скифии. Записки исторического следопыта...
Тайны Великой Скифии. Записки исторического следопыта
Author: Коломийцев Игорь Павлович
Year: 2005
Format: FB2 | MOBI | EPUB
File size: 11,9 MB
Language: RU
Year: 2005
Format: FB2 | MOBI | EPUB
File size: 11,9 MB
Language: RU
The book tells about one of the most mysterious peoples of the past - the Scythians, about how a powerful ethnic group of the ancestors of the steppe and Slavic peoples was born in the grandiose clashes of civilizations. Who are they, where did they come from and where did they disappear? Why did the fierce Huns mortally scare the Europeans, and what peoples lead their ancestry from them? Why did the blond German Goths at the time of their power so stubbornly strive for the shores of the Black Sea? You will learn about many secrets of the ancestral home of fantastic monsters - dragons and griffins, get acquainted with Amazons, cannibals and hyperboreans.