BOOKS - HISTORY - Виктор Суворов врет! Потопить "Ледокол"...
Виктор Суворов врет! Потопить "Ледокол" - Верхотуров Д. 2013 PDF М. Яуза-Пресс BOOKS HISTORY
US $8.52

Виктор Суворов врет! Потопить "Ледокол"
Author: Верхотуров Д.
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 16 MB
Language: RU

In the twenty years that have passed since the first edition of Suvorov's "Icebreaker," this pseudonym has become the main military-historical "brand" and "creed" of the "liberal public" - no matter how many "anti-resolute" historians expose Viktor Suvorov as a provocateur in the service of Russia's sworn enemies, no matter how much they catch him on egregious mistakes, distortions and falsifications of facts, you hear the answer: they say, these are all details and subtleties, but in the main Suvorov is right! This book does not exchange for details, does not delve into trifles, does not deal with tedious counts of soldiers' boots and rivets on armor - but knocks out the central support of the Suvorov lie, hits the "Icebreaker" below the waterline and sends it to the dustbin of history. How exactly? Open this sensational historical investigation! Let the score of anti-Suvorov publications go to dozens, if not hundreds, - you have definitely not read this yet!

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