BOOKS - MISCELLANEOUS - Green Metropolis
Green Metropolis - Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Tony Hiss 2016 EPUB Knopf BOOKS MISCELLANEOUS
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Green Metropolis
Author: Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Tony Hiss
Year: 2016
Format: EPUB
File size: 141 MB
Language: ENG

Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, the woman who launched the restoration of Central Park in the 1980s, now introduces us to seven remarkable green spaces in and around New York City, giving us the history—both natural and human—of how they have been transformed over time. Here we find: The greenbelt and nature refuge that runs along the spine of Staten Island on land once intended for a highway, where mushrooms can be gathered and, at the right moment, seventeen-year locusts viewed. Jamaica Bay, near John F. Kennedy International Airport, whose mosaic of fragile, endangered marshes has been preserved as a bird sanctuary on the Atlantic Flyway, full of egrets, terns, and horseshoe crabs. Inwood Hill, in upper Manhattan, whose forest once sheltered Native Americans and Revolutionary soldiers before it became a site for wealthy estates and subsequently a public park.

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