BOOKS - HOME AND FAMILY - Дети интернета, что они смотрят и кто ими управляет...
Дети интернета, что они смотрят и кто ими управляет - Афанасьев А.А. 2021 PDF Наше Завтра BOOKS HOME AND FAMILY
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Дети интернета, что они смотрят и кто ими управляет
Author: Афанасьев А.А.
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 68 MB
Language: RU

If you picked up this book, then you probably have children, and you have already thought about this question more than once: How safe can a child be on the Internet for his still forming personality? Now there are a lot of articles and literature about how to technically set up parental control, how to talk with a child about his time on the Internet, and so on... But this book is not about this, it is about what alternative reality children plunge into, going into the Internet environment, what values ​ ​ this reality consists of, and what kind of person it ultimately forms from your child.

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