BOOKS - VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING - Красивые хвойные для вашего сада...
Красивые хвойные для вашего сада - Городец О.В. 2016 PDF Эксмо BOOKS VEGETABLE GARDEN AND FARMING
USDt 6.75


Красивые хвойные для вашего сада
Author: Городец О.В.
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 13 MB
Language: RU

Coniferous trees and shrubs will effectively decorate your garden at any time of the year. From our book you will learn about the reproduction and features of planting spruce, cypress, juniper, pine, thuja and other conifers, as well as caring for them (crown formation, pruning, feeding and other works). Conifers give the garden a special flavor and nobility. In order for spruce, cypress, pine, juniper, larch, thuja, fir and yew to delight you with their beauty for many years, it is important to provide them with the right care and protection. In this book you will find: description of the most popular species, ways

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