BOOKS - PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS - Справочник судомоделиста. Модели парусных кораблей...
Справочник судомоделиста. Модели парусных кораблей - Целовальников А.С. 1983 PDF ДОСААФ BOOKS PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS
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Справочник судомоделиста. Модели парусных кораблей
Author: Целовальников А.С.
Year: 1983
Format: PDF
File size: 52.4 MB
Language: RU

Contains the classification of sailing ships, information about their structure, as well as about the device of mast, rigging and sailing weapons, about military equipment. Recommendations on the manufacture of sailing models are given. Briefly talks about the birth and development of the Russian sailing fleet. For ship modellers.

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