BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - A Scrum Book The Spirit of the Game (Version P1.0)
A Scrum Book The Spirit of the Game (Version P1.0) - Jeff Sutherland, James O. Coplien, Mark den Hollander 2019 EPUB Pragmatic Bookshelf BOOKS PROGRAMMING
US $9.80

A Scrum Book The Spirit of the Game (Version P1.0)
Author: Jeff Sutherland, James O. Coplien, Mark den Hollander
Year: 2019
Number of pages: 574
Format: EPUB
File size: 16.9 MB
Language: ENG

Gain insights and depth of rationale into Scrum from many highly respected world authorities, including one of its founders, who lead you through the deep foundations of Scrum's structure and practice. Enhance and customize your Scrum practice with ninety-four organizational building blocks, called patterns, that you can freely and flexibly choose from to fit your needs. Understand and appreciate the history of Scrum and the role it plays in solving common problems in product development.

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