BOOKS - SCIENCE FICTION - Безудержный ураган
Безудержный ураган - Данта Игнис 2020 RTF/FB2 СИ BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION
USDt 6.80


Безудержный ураган
Author: Данта Игнис
Year: 2020
Format: RTF/FB2
File size: 10.1 MB
Language: RU

Give up hope for anyone coming here. The worst war will seem like a child's toy if a Gap has started in your world. She would drown everything you knew in Hurricane Chaos. Everything I loved. The apple tree in your garden can now devour whole, God forbid you meet a cat. And with a man... Everything has changed. Things keep changing. How to survive and not turn into a monster yourself? What about those who look like a person, but worse than any monster?