BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Верный Вам Рамзай.Рихард Зорге и советская военная раз...
Верный Вам Рамзай.Рихард Зорге и советская военная разведка в Японии. В 2-х кн. - Алексеев М. 2017 FB2 | EPUB М. Алгоритм BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Верный Вам Рамзай.Рихард Зорге и советская военная разведка в Японии. В 2-х кн.
Author: Алексеев М.
Year: 2017
Format: FB2 | EPUB
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU

Legendary Soviet intelligence officer Richard Sorge is the most studied and at the same time the most mysterious character in the world history of the secret war of the 20th century. Among the "white spots" of his biography is work in Japan from the moment he arrived in this country in September 1933 until the outbreak of World War II. This gap in his biography is completely closed by the book of Mikhail Alekseev.

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