AUDIOBOOKS - FICTION - аудиокниги Монета скифского царя
аудиокниги Монета скифского царя -  релиза аудиокниги  ЛитРес Поддавшись жалости, Дайнека купила у бездомного старика, подошедшего к ее машине на заправке AUDIOBOOKS FICTION
USDt 5.59


аудиокниги Монета скифского царя
Year: релиза аудиокниги
File size: 257 MB
Language: RU
Genre: детектив

Succumbing to pity, Daineka bought an old coin from a homeless old man who approached her car at a gas station. It seemed to her that it was just a cheap trinket, but she decided to check the suspicions that had arisen... Experts have found that the coin dates from the reign of the Scythians and is truly priceless. Trying to understand this mysterious story, Daineka decided to find and ask about the coin of a strange old man. Following his trail, she went into an abandoned, long-settled house and... the floor fell right under her feet. She flew down in horror, and woke up next to the dead body of the owner of an amazing treasure...

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