BOOKS - HISTORY - Султанат Оман. Легенды, сказания и факты истории...
Султанат Оман. Легенды, сказания и факты истории - Сенченко И.П. 2012 PDF СПб. Алетейя BOOKS HISTORY
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Султанат Оман. Легенды, сказания и факты истории
Author: Сенченко И.П.
Year: 2012
Format: PDF
File size: 18 MB
Language: RU

The book offered to the reader's attention is the first full history of Oman published in Russia from ancient times to the present day. The book attracts attention to the solid array of archival documents presented in it, telling about Oman's relations with France, England the USA, Turkey, Persia and even Russia. Of considerable interest are the set of legends, traditions and legends of the Omani tribes collected in the book, as well as the fascinating story contained in it about the sights of Oman, about the customs, traditions and morals of the Omanis.

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