BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Серия "Вкус здоровой жизни" в 3 книгах...
Серия "Вкус здоровой жизни" в 3 книгах - разные 2020-2023 FB2 | PDF Москва BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
USDt 9.72


Серия "Вкус здоровой жизни" в 3 книгах
Author: разные
Year: 2020-2023
Format: FB2 | PDF
File size: 20 MB
Language: RU

Let's take a walk around the store. Let's go past trays with vegetables, shelves with flour and sweets, refrigerators with dairy and meat products. From the variety presented in modern supermarkets, eyes scatter. Someone buys the same names, and someone likes to try new things, but most of us still make mistakes when choosing products. Mistakes that can negatively affect health

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