BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Поэтика промежутка. Молодая польская проза после 1989 г...
Поэтика промежутка. Молодая польская проза после 1989 г - Адельгейм И. 2005 DJVU Индрик BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 8.72


Поэтика промежутка. Молодая польская проза после 1989 г
Author: Адельгейм И.
Year: 2005
Format: DJVU
File size: 10.3 MB
Language: RU

The book is dedicated to the prose of generations who began an active literary life already in post-socialist Poland. The features of their literary life, thinking, poetics are considered. A turning point actually experienced by literature can be considered in the continuity of the literary process as a "gap" when active addiction to new concepts and ideas regarding the world order begins.

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