BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Visual Basic. NET для программистов
Visual Basic. NET для программистов - Атли К. 2002 PDF М. ДМK Пресc BOOKS PROGRAMMING
USDt 9.49


Visual Basic. NET для программистов
Author: Атли К.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

The book is about the Visual Basic language. NET. Particular attention is paid to the differences between the new version and the previous ones, including revolutionary innovations for this language: inheritance of implementation, multithreading, namespaces, the new integrated development environment Visual Studio. NET. Issues related to the application of the new ADO data access technology are highlighted. NET and ASP Web application creation technologies. NET. Also, new types of projects that can be created in the Visual Basic language are not ignored: NT services, Web services and console applications.

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