BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Лечение внутренних органов методами висцеральной остеоп...
Лечение внутренних органов методами висцеральной остеопатии - Юрий Чикуров 2012 PDF | DJVU Триада-X BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
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Лечение внутренних органов методами висцеральной остеопатии
Author: Юрий Чикуров
Year: 2012
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 50,4 MБ
Language: RU

The book outlines the theoretical and practical foundations of visceral osteopathy, taking into account the many years of practical activity of the author, as well as the experience of foreign colleagues. Various methods of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of internal organs are described. Medical techniques are illustrated in detail. For doctors of all specialties, senior students of medical universities.

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