BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Эксергетические расчеты технических систем...
Эксергетические расчеты технических систем
Author: Бродянский В.М., Верхивкер Г.П., Дубовской С.В. и др. Под ред. А.А. Долинского и В.М. Бродянского
Year: 1991
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1991
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU
Reference Manual. The basic concepts of the exergetic method of analysis and optimization of technical systems for the conversion of energy and matter, as well as the assessment of natural and secondary resources are presented. Methods for determining energy and technical and economic characteristics of technical systems, distribution of costs between products in complex industries, as well as methods for solving optimization problems are considered; examples, reference data and bibliography necessary for calculations are given.