BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Партизанская война на Украине. Дневники командиров партиза...
Партизанская война на Украине. Дневники командиров партизанских отрядов и соединений. 1941-1944 - Коллектив 2010 PDF Центрполиграф BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Партизанская война на Украине. Дневники командиров партизанских отрядов и соединений. 1941-1944
Author: Коллектив
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

This publication for the first time publishes full versions of the diaries of famous partisan commanders operating during the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine: generals S.A. Kovpak, S.V. Rudnev, M.I. Naumova and others. Diaries allow a deeper assessment of the state and tactics of military operations of partisan detachments, shed light on the relations of partisans with each other and with the local population, contain valuable information about the military qualities and moral character of partisan commanders.

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