BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Полупроводниковые выпрямители. Библиотека электромонтера. Выпуск ...
Полупроводниковые выпрямители. Библиотека электромонтера. Выпуск 450 -  1976 DJVU | PDF М, Энергия BOOKS EQUIPMENT
US $7.75

Полупроводниковые выпрямители. Библиотека электромонтера. Выпуск 450
Year: 1976
Number of pages: 120
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 10 MB

The book describes methods for converting alternating current to direct current, provides brief information on semiconductor valves, discusses the main schemes and features of operation of single-phase and three-phase rectifiers for loads of various nature, current inversion, external characteristics and energy indicators of rectifier installations, control systems straighten out - for thyristors. The book is designed for craftsmen and qualified electricians of industrial enterprises.

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