BOOKS - HISTORY - Царствование Анны Иоанновны формирование внутриполитического курса ...
Царствование Анны Иоанновны формирование внутриполитического курса и судьбы армии и флота 1730-1735 г. - Петрухинцев H.Н. 2001 PDF СПб. Алетейя BOOKS HISTORY
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Царствование Анны Иоанновны формирование внутриполитического курса и судьбы армии и флота 1730-1735 г.
Author: Петрухинцев H.Н.
Year: 2001
Format: PDF
File size: 11,12 MB

The monograph gives a general outline of the domestic political course of the beginning of the reign of Anna Ioannovna against a wide background of political struggle in society, considers the influence of this struggle and palace intrigues on the process of its formation, characterizes the main components of the domestic political program of 1730-1732, which embodied it. Government policy towards the army and navy is analyzed in the context of this course: the mechanism for its formation is shown; its initiators and main factors influencing it are revealed; results of its implementation in practice are demonstrated.

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