BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Галерея византийских императоров. От Аркадия до Никифо...
Галерея византийских императоров. От Аркадия до Никифора III Вотаниата - Кравчук А. 2011 PDF Екатеринбург У-Фактория; М. Астрель BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Галерея византийских императоров. От Аркадия до Никифора III Вотаниата
Author: Кравчук А.
Year: 2011
Format: PDF
File size: 102,69 MB

The "Gallery of Byzantine Emperors" presents figures of the rulers of Constantinople from 395, when Emperor Arkady ascended the throne, and ending with 1081, that is, the year the Komnin dynasty came to power. Talking about individual emperors, Professor Alexander Kravchuk, an excellent connoisseur and popularizer of antiquity, at the same time introduces the reader to the history of the Eastern Roman Empire.

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