BOOKS - HISTORY - Москва. Подробное историческое и археологическое описание города...
Москва. Подробное историческое и археологическое описание города - Снегирёв И.М. 1875 PDF Москва BOOKS HISTORY
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Москва. Подробное историческое и археологическое описание города
Author: Снегирёв И.М.
Year: 1875
Format: PDF
File size: 25.06 MB
Language: RU

Moscow combines everything that the past is memorable for us, than the present is sacred, and the future is gratifying. Not only in its temples and strongholds, but even in the most tracts, annals are revived. Such her monuments do not constitute a precious property for the city and the people. Historical memories and traditions give new life and voice to silent witnesses of Russian antiquity and antiquity.

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