BOOKS - HISTORY - Сарматский и Южно-Балтийский культурные импульсы в постзарубинецких...
Сарматский и Южно-Балтийский культурные импульсы в постзарубинецких древностях горизонта Рахны-Почеп (втор.пол. I – нач. II вв. н.э.) - Воронятов С.В. 2018 PDF Государственный эрмитаж BOOKS HISTORY
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Сарматский и Южно-Балтийский культурные импульсы в постзарубинецких древностях горизонта Рахны-Почеп (втор.пол. I – нач. II вв. н.э.)
Author: Воронятов С.В.
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
File size: 18.5 MB
Language: RU

The main purpose of this study is to identify and characterize ethnocultural components of different origin in the materials of monuments of the chronological horizon Ra-hny-Pochep (ser. I - beg. II centuries AD) and the reconstruction of historical and cultural phenomena, presumably the reason for their appearance. An important goal is also to study the role of each of these components in the general cultural genesis of post-Sarubin antiquities and, on this basis, reconstruct historical and cultural events related to the formation of the Rakhny-Pochep horizon.

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