BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Серые волки, серое море. Боевой путь немецкой подводной ло...
Серые волки, серое море. Боевой путь немецкой подводной лодки «U-124». 1941-1943 - Гейзевей Э. 2005 FB2 | MOBI | EPUB Центрполиграф BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
USDt 6.58


Серые волки, серое море. Боевой путь немецкой подводной лодки «U-124». 1941-1943
Author: Гейзевей Э.
Year: 2005
Format: FB2 | MOBI | EPUB
File size: 10,5 MB
Language: RU

The book tells about the combat path of the German submarine "U-124," one of the most productive submarines of the warring parties during the Second World War. Long campaigns of submariners, heavy watches in the stormy sea, opposition to attacks by enemy warships and aircraft, hunting for allied convoys - the author writes about all this in detail and spectacularly, based on documents and eyewitness memories, reproducing the history of the legendary submarine and drawing an accurate and vivid portrait of its commander, Jochen More.

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