BOOKS - PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS - Конструирование одежды. Учебник. 6-ое издание...
Конструирование одежды. Учебник. 6-ое издание - Амирова Э.К., Сакулина О.В. 2010 PDF Академия BOOKS PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS
USDt 8.74


Конструирование одежды. Учебник. 6-ое издание
Author: Амирова Э.К., Сакулина О.В.
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 76.8 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is designed to study the subject "Designing clothes" and is part of the educational and methodological set in the specialty "Technology of sewing products." General information on clothes, structure of men's, women's and children's figures, initial data for calculations during construction drawings are given. Methods of designing various types of men's, women's and children's clothing, features of drawing on standard figures and figures with deviations are presented...

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