BOOKS - HISTORY - Очерк исторического исследования о царе Борисе Годунове...
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Очерк исторического исследования о царе Борисе Годунове
Year: ЯзыкрусскийВъ исторію великихъ людей, какъ и въ исторію государствъ, вторгаются иногда такія ложныя
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File size: 19.37 MB
Language: RU
Format: PDF
File size: 19.37 MB
Language: RU
In the istorіyu of great people, as in istorіyu states, sometimes takіya false predanіya invade, which are not only completely alien to all logical osnovanіya and connections with validity, but which are even contrary to the obvious proyavlenіyu of character, portrayed by them as a woodpecker, or epoch and any erudite provocation them according to the laws of the mind. Such is the dark obvinenіe that arose on one deputy of our statesman and in posldstvіi - Tsar, Boris Feodorovich Godunov, - in ubіystv Tsarevich Dimitrіya.