BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Системы управления энергетическими реакторами...
Системы управления энергетическими реакторами - Юркевич Г.П. 2001 DJVU ЭЛЕКС-КМ BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 7.70


Системы управления энергетическими реакторами
Author: Юркевич Г.П.
Year: 2001
Format: DJVU
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The main advantage of the book is the creative understanding of the author's 40 years of experience in creating control and protection systems (CPS) for power reactors, the result of which are new unconventional solutions to the problems facing CPS developers today. A new approach was used to assess the speed of emergency protection of the reactor by period. An original idea is proposed that creates a real justification for the selection of emergency protection setpoints for the period of any reactor plant. Absolutely new and original is the method of heating the reactor with the core own heat with correction of the setpoint of the power regulator setpoint by the signal of the astatic regulator of the coolant temperature (pressure) derivative. The proposed structure of the control system in the warm-up mode seems to be the only correct and reasonable. The book contains a number of original ideas that will undoubtedly cause a useful discussion. (V.V. Kondratyev, from the review) The book is intended for developers of equipment and control systems for nuclear reactors of power plants and installations of other types, as well as teachers and students of higher and secondary educational institutions of relevant specialties.

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