BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Ислам как фактор формирования российской государственности и кул...
Ислам как фактор формирования российской государственности и культуры, антология - Базиленко И.В., Воднева О.А. (сост.) 2012 PDF/DJVU Язык Русский содержит различные воззрения на ислам российских авторов. В Антологии представлены поле BOOKS HUMANITIES
US $7.72

Ислам как фактор формирования российской государственности и культуры, антология
Author: Базиленко И.В., Воднева О.А. (сост.)
Year: 2012
Number of pages: 894
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 43.2 MB
Language: RU

The publication contains various views on Islam by Russian authors. The Anthology presents polemical works and research works of domestic spiritual and secular authors. The book consists of five sections: 1) Orthodox clergy and theologians about Islam, 2) Statesmen of the Russian Empire about Islam, 3) Historians, orientalists and philosophers about Islam, 4) Travelers and entrepreneurs about Islam, and 5) Islam in Russian fiction. The publication is designed for a humanitarian research and educational environment, both secular and confessional, as well as for all interested in the history of Russia

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