BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Одиссей Человек и история. Script/Oralia взаимодействие устной и...
Одиссей Человек и история. Script/Oralia взаимодействие устной и письменной традиции в Средние века и раннее Новое время - сборник 2008 PDF Наука BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Одиссей Человек и история. Script/Oralia взаимодействие устной и письменной традиции в Средние века и раннее Новое время
Author: сборник
Year: 2008
Format: PDF
File size: 10.0 MB
Language: RU

The twentieth anniversary issue of the Odyssey almanac opens with a section devoted to the analysis of transformations that occur with the oral tradition in situations of conflict and interaction with the written tradition, in particular in the conditions of bilingualism when translating from one language to another and in the era of printing, when the printed word begins to penetrate the oral sphere and vice versa. Other sections of the collection are devoted to comparative research, the history of ideas about time, social history, and the problems of analyzing verbal and visual images in culture. The publication of the number is the text of the homily of Blessed Augustine on one of the verses of the 120th psalm. Traditionally, a significant place has been given to reviews and reviews of new literature.

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