BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Машиноведение на языке схем, рисунков, чертежей. В 2-х т...
Машиноведение на языке схем, рисунков, чертежей. В 2-х томах - Крайнев А.Ф. 2010 DJVU Спектр BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
US $8.74

Машиноведение на языке схем, рисунков, чертежей. В 2-х томах
Author: Крайнев А.Ф.
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 1024
Format: DJVU
File size: 146 MB
Language: RU

For the first time, machine science is presented as a set of fundamental knowledge (for creating machines) in the language of computer graphics, understandable and accessible to engineers and scientists around the world. This work is a development of the author's works "Mechanics from the Greek mechanikc (techne) - the art of building machines."

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