BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Справочник инженера по контрольно-измерительным приборам...
Справочник инженера по контрольно-измерительным приборам и автоматике (Справочник инженера по КИП и А) - под ред. А. В. Калиниченко 2008 DJVU Инфра-Инженерия BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
USDt 8.69


Справочник инженера по контрольно-измерительным приборам и автоматике (Справочник инженера по КИП и А)
Author: под ред. А. В. Калиниченко
Year: 2008
Format: DJVU
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

The reference book describes in detail the materials for the training of KipiA personnel (KipiA history, terms and definitions, principles of operation of the simplest KipiA), as well as reference data, methods for the repair, adjustment and operation of instrumentation, as well as the accompanying reference data necessary for the correct calculation and selection of instrumentation. Designed for engineers for the operation and repair of instrumentation for measuring technological parameters of temperature, pressure, flow and level. The handbook is also recommended for heads of KipiA services, craftsmen, locksmiths in KipiA, instrument technicians, as well as students and graduate students studying in relevant specialties.

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