BOOKS - HISTORY - Средняя Европа Проблемы международных и межнациональных отношений. ...
Средняя Европа Проблемы международных и межнациональных отношений. XII–XX вв - ред. А. С. Стыкалин. 2009 PDF СПб. Алетейя BOOKS HISTORY
US $7.59

Средняя Европа Проблемы международных и межнациональных отношений. XII–XX вв
Author: ред. А. С. Стыкалин.
Year: 2009
Number of pages: 545
Format: PDF
File size: 63.9 MB
Language: RU

The new volume of Central European Studies is dedicated to the memory of Tofig Muslimovich Islamov (1927-2004), an outstanding Russian specialist in the history of Hungary and Austria, an expert on the new and recent history of Central Europe, and the author of numerous publications on the history of international and interethnic relations in the region. A wide range of scientific interests of T. M. Islamov was also reflected in the collection of his memory, compiled from the works of colleagues and students who pay tribute to the scientific heritage of the scientist.

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