BOOKS - HISTORY - Путешествия и географические открытия в XV-XIX вв...
Путешествия и географические открытия в XV-XIX вв - Белов М.И. (ред.) 1965 PDF Язык РусскийКнига посвящена путешествиям и географическим открытиям в XV—XIX вв. Основное внимание у BOOKS HISTORY
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Путешествия и географические открытия в XV-XIX вв
Author: Белов М.И. (ред.)
Year: 1965
Format: PDF
File size: 65 MB
Language: RU

The book is devoted to travel and geographical discoveries in the XV-XIX centuries. The main attention is paid to the role of Russian travelers and sailors in the geographical study of the Earth. A number of articles consider the problems of the development of geographical knowledge in medieval Europe. The book contains many new, previously unknown materials. The publication is designed both for historians and geographers, and for wide circles of readers interested in the history of travel and geographical discoveries.

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