BOOKS - WEB-CREATION - Build Websites with Hugo Fast Web Development with Markdown
Build Websites with Hugo Fast Web Development with Markdown - Brian P. Hogan 2020 EPUB Pragmatic Bookshelf BOOKS WEB-CREATION
US $9.76

Build Websites with Hugo Fast Web Development with Markdown
Author: Brian P. Hogan
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 156
Format: EPUB
File size: 10 MB
Language: ENG

Rediscover how fun web development can be with Hugo, the static site generator and web framework that lets you build content sites quickly using the skills you already have. Design layouts with HTML and share common components across pages. Create Markdown templates that let you create new content quickly. Consume and generate JSON, enhance layouts with logic, and generate a site that works on any platform with no runtime dependencies or database. Hugo gives you everything you need to build your next content site and have fun doing it.Database-driven sites bring complexity you might not need, but building a site by hand is too much work. Hugo is a static site generator and web development framework that creates content sites quickly without the overhead or dependencies of a dyanmic web framework. With Hugo, you use HTML templates and Markdown to build static sites you can host anywhere, letting you use the skills you already have.

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