BOOKS - HISTORY - На советской службе. Записки спеца
На советской службе. Записки спеца
Author: Ларсонс М.Я.
Year: 1930
Format: PDF
File size: 16.4 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1930
Format: PDF
File size: 16.4 MB
Language: RU
My book "Als Expert im Sowjetdienst," which appeared in Berlin іyun 1929, is designed for a foreign reader. It was written under the vpechatlnіem of the Shakhtinsky process, which was most in Moscow in 1928 and revealed the whole tragedy polozhenіya bezpartіynago "special" in the Soviet Rossіi. In the quality of the spetsіalista, which overshadowed major government positions in the Soviet service, many had to work or meet for money with the most prominent leaders and representatives of the Soviet authorities: sk Krestinsky, Pyatakov, Gukovsky, Zinoviev, Menzhinsky, Uritsky, Chicherin, Іoffe, Litvinov, Karakhan, Krasinym, Lomonosov, Sokolnikov, Rakovsky, Ganetsky, Stomonyakov, Sheinman and with many smaller calibers.