BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Релейная защита энергетических систем...
Релейная защита энергетических систем - Чернобровов Н.В., Семенов В.А. 1998 PDF М. Энергоатомиздат BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Релейная защита энергетических систем
Author: Чернобровов Н.В., Семенов В.А.
Year: 1998
Format: PDF
File size: 30 MB
Language: RU

The basics of relay protection (RP) are given. The design features of relays and protection devices in operation, as well as those produced by the domestic industry on integrated circuits are considered. Explanations are given for the implementation of RP lines, generators, transformers, autotransformers, busbars and electric motors.

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