BOOKS - HISTORY - Россия входит в Европу Императрица Елизавета Петровна и война за Ав...
Россия входит в Европу Императрица Елизавета Петровна и война за Австрийское наследство, 1740-1750 - Лиштенан Ф.-Д. 2000 PDF М. ОГИ BOOKS HISTORY
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Россия входит в Европу Императрица Елизавета Петровна и война за Австрийское наследство, 1740-1750
Author: Лиштенан Ф.-Д.
Year: 2000
Format: PDF
File size: 25 MB
Language: RU

The 1740s became a turning point in the history of Russia. If at the beginning of the decade this country remained neutral, and then acted as a mediator in European conflicts: in the war for the Austrian inheritance and in the Silesian wars, then in 1746 Elizaveta Petrovna, daughter of Peter I, decided to enter the war on the side of England Saxony. Since that time, the Russian tsars constantly intervened in European affairs. As for the period preceding the formation of the Russian-Austro-Saxon-English coalition, during these years the envoys of the warring countries, diplomats and courtiers, waged a merciless struggle in St. Petersburg, trying to attract the distrustful Elizabeth to their side.

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