BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Власовское движение в свете документов (С приложением секр...
Власовское движение в свете документов (С приложением секретных документов)
Author: Сост. Двинов Б. Л.
Year: 1950
Format: PDF
File size: 18.3 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1950
Format: PDF
File size: 18.3 MB
Language: RU
A collection of documents prepared by the old Social Democrat (Menshevik) Dvinov on Russian collaborationism, specifically on the "Vlasov movement." The author's introduction is also very interesting. It should be noted that being an enemy of the Stalinist dictatorship, Dvinov (like his comrades in the party as a whole), in contrast to the rabid underdevelopments, who were ritualized in German uniform and fought with a word or weapon against their former Motherland on the side of an external enemy, made a worthy choice that deserves respect. The day after the German attack on the USSR, the RSDLP ZD adopted a resolution: "Hitler's aggression against the USSR brings new hardships and suffering to the masses of our country, new forms of economic, social and national oppression, the danger of dismembering the country and turning it into a colony of the Third Reich.