BOOKS - HISTORY - Геральдыка Беларусі (ад пачаткаў - да канца XX стагоддзя)...
US $5.60
Геральдыка Беларусі (ад пачаткаў - да канца XX стагоддзя)
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 148
Format: PDF
File size: 55.6 MB
Language: BelRU
Number of pages: 148
Format: PDF
File size: 55.6 MB
Language: BelRU
Ways of developing the heraldic tradition on the lands of Belarus from ancient times to the end of the 20th century are considered. This book will be useful and interesting to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our Motherland, its close ties in the pan-European cultural expanses.