BOOKS - HISTORY - Избранные труды по средневековой истории. Россия и Запад...
Избранные труды по средневековой истории. Россия и Запад - Бицилли П.М. 2006 DJVU М. Языки славянских культур BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 8.51


Избранные труды по средневековой истории. Россия и Запад
Author: Бицилли П.М.
Year: 2006
Format: DJVU
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

The works of the remarkable Russian historian medievalist P.M. Bitsilli, in exile - a professor at Sofia University, began to be widely reprinted from the 90s of the XX century. This volume includes both the classical works of the historian on medieval culture, published in the first editions, and not reprinted works.

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