BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Воображаемые сообщества. Размышления об истоках и распространени...
Воображаемые сообщества. Размышления об истоках и распространении национализма - Андерсон Б.  PDF М. Кaнон BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Воображаемые сообщества. Размышления об истоках и распространении национализма
Author: Андерсон Б.
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB

In the next book of the large series "Publications of the TsFS" (small series "CONDITIO HUMANA"), we included the well-known study of Benedict Anderson on the spread of nationalism in the modern world. The originality of the author's interpretation of the key concepts of "nation" and "nationalism" lies in a deep socio-anthropological approach to their analysis. At the same time, the author takes into account the socio-political and historical context of the formation of the phenomenon of nationalism.