BOOKS - PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS - Конструирование и моделирование одежды для беременны...
Конструирование и моделирование одежды для беременных. Модели для разных сроков беременности. Выкройки и инструкции по шитью - Наталья Стеблянская 2013 PDF Центрполиграф BOOKS PROFESSIONS AND CRAFTS
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Конструирование и моделирование одежды для беременных. Модели для разных сроков беременности. Выкройки и инструкции по шитью
Author: Наталья Стеблянская
Year: 2013
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

This book is an invaluable assistant to all expectant mothers. Using the techniques and tips provided here, you can master the skills of designing and modeling clothes that are so necessary for owners of a non-standard figure. You will be able to sew skirts, trousers, dresses, blouses and other clothes specially adjusted for different periods of pregnancy. In addition, the publication contains a large number of various models: using the proposed illustrations and relying on the material covered, you can try to make any of the proposed models yourself.

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