BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Про тайгу и про охоту. Воспоминания, рекомендации, извлечения...
Про тайгу и про охоту. Воспоминания, рекомендации, извлечения - Житенёв Дмитрий 2019 FB2 Издательские решения BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Про тайгу и про охоту. Воспоминания, рекомендации, извлечения
Author: Житенёв Дмитрий
Year: 2019
Format: FB2
File size: 15 MB
Language: RU

This book is about how real taiga people knew how to survive in the taiga, how they owned certain taiga hunting skills. In it, the reader learns not only about the experience of the author himself, but about the experience of travelers of past years, and it is invaluable, because today the fire must be made of the same frozen logs, and the snow still sticks to the skis, and still dangerous crossing on the mountain river, and the North Star points north as it did thousands of years ago.

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